Saturday, August 23, 2008

Iowa part1!

K so yesterday was friday and we started our weekend trip to Iowa! Well it was "going" to take us 4 hours to get to Iowa where our hotel is at. Yah right it took us 8 hours total before we got to where we needed to be! I had to nanny friday from 9am till 3:30pm. That is a shorter day then normal. I had to pack on thursday and i was already to go with all my stuff. Here was the rundown of yesterday!

4:30 left Hudson WI
8:00pm ate dinner at mexican restront
8:30pm still driving through Lacross WI!
11:10pm in illinoise
11:16pm debque Iowa
12:43am pulled in to hotel!!!
1:00 am in bed and ready to sleep!!!!

I think my dad relized that talking to girls in their teens about sharing a bed for the weekend at 1am is a bad idea! My cot was not in the room and they had told us they where out of cots. My dad asked me if i would share a bed and i told him no i am the oldest and i didnt get any sleep in the car at all and i wanted my cot!!! well a bit later a cot came in and my youngest sister had to sleep on it! I was happy to have a real bed and i was tired so i took the bed!

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