Friday, August 1, 2008

Over organization!

K well ever since i got back from camp i have been on this insane organization kick and its not going away! Yesterday i had a day off from my nanny job and i was in my room the entire day cleaning every possible thing i could and i ran to wall-mart twice yesterday and twice more today to get storage units! What is going on. Those who know me well know that i have never been like this ever. Normally when i go on a kick like this its clean the room so i know where everything is and I'm done. Not this time it seems like i am trying to micromanage my life! I mean having cubbies for things is one thing but buying MATCHING notebooks, journals, ohh and a PLANNER! NEVER like this! It just has been driving me insane to the point where when tonight when i went to go to wall-mart to see if they had 2 more of the cubbies i almost went overboard they STILL didnt have any and it started to stress me out. On the up side i did get the tent i NEEDED so that was a big upside! Well i cant wait to see what God is going to teach me and i have a feeling i am trying to take control of every little thing i can but like we talked about at camp "LET GO AND LET GOD!!!" thats the big thing i am trying to remember this week!!!


NoOtherName said...

There are worse things than binging on organization. Go with it. If you start beating up Walmart employees, however, because there are no matching bins to go along with your planner, then we'll have a problem.

Sleep well, Treasured one.

Treasured one said...

No tonight i just let out the frustration that they where out of the bins i needed on a friend who works on the remodel crew! she got a kick out of it!